Caruaru (Brazil): Weather and hotels for a week
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+30°
Thursday16JanuaryPartly SunnyHigh:+31°Low:+20°
7-day weather forecast for Caruaru provides a reliable weather forecast for one week in any city around the globe.
Searching for a reliable weather forecast in Caruaru for today?
Temperatures will reach a high near +31ºC and will dip through the evening to +21ºC.
During the day, the wind will come from the east at 5.56 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1011 hPa with 45% of humidity, and 100% of cloudiness.
We anticipate rainy weather with light rain and 0.23 mm of precipitation.
So don't go out without your umbrella.
Looking for a reliable weather forecast in Caruaru for tomorrow?
The minimum temperature for January 16: +20ºC and the highest temperature: +31ºC.
It’s forecasted 45% of humidity, followed with east winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1013 hPa and 32% of cloudiness.
Need a reliable weather forecast for this weekend in Caruaru?
Maximum Saturday’s temperature will be near +29ºC and minimum temperature will be near +21ºC.
It’s forecasted 45% of humidity, followed by east winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1014 hPa and 98% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Caruaru?
Our recommendation is Citi Hotel Residence Caruaru with rating 8.6 in Caruaru. You are free to choose more hotels in Caruaru here.